At Armstrong’s School of Singing we understand that vocal training is only one facet to achieving the music career of your dreams. We offer lessons in all types of singing styles that deliver mind-body-emotion instruction to take your performance to the next level.
Personally Tailored Singing Classes. We know how to work with each student, using the best available vocal techniques and methods in order to draw out your individuality and best sound quality.
Personality Development. Music stars must be able to demonstrate real, authentic emotion during their performances.
Raise the Bar. We have proven experience in taking your voice and stage performance to a higher level.
Combining the Mental, Physical & Emotional. Our 10-module lesson plan gets the best out of each one of our students – no matter their current level or ability.
Preparation of demo, audition and performance material. Be ready before you go into the studio or step out on stage
At Armstrong’s, we start with an initial free consultation that gauges your current vocal ability. This meeting includes an array of vocal activities in order to see where you shine and what areas you need to work on. At this meeting, we will also talk to you about your goals and then develop a tailored lesson plan within the set 10 modules.
At Armstrong’s we focus on vocal development while retaining the uniqueness of your own voice. Our modules are designed to take students through the spectrum of what is needed to prepare or improve the voice in order to embark on their music careers.
Mental state - The importance of mental preparation!
Finding Neutral - Alignment & the Basic Shape
Preparing your instrument - Breathing & Support
Vibration - Onset & Pitch Change
Every note must move - Line & Vibrato
Cantare come si parla - To sing as one speaks
Vowels & Articulators - Releasing the tongue & jaw
Extending the Range - Navigating the break/passaggio
Dynamics - Intensity, not volume
Style - Interpretation & Emotion.
To get your music career started, please contact us here for your free initial consultation or to find out more about our lessons.